Vegetable Plants
Vegetable Plants for Sale
Growing your own vegetables means you can put food on your plate that is at its freshest, tastiest and most nutritious. Going straight from the garden to the kitchen also makes it a much more environmentally friendly way to serve up dinner and can cut the cost of the weekly shop. At Beetham Nurseries, we now have our widest-ever selection of delicious, high-quality, vegetable plants for sale, ensuring you have everything you need for your kitchen garden.
Why Buy Your Vegetable Plants from Beetham Nurseries?
You only want the best growing vegetables for your garden and your kitchen. Beetham Nurseries has almost 40 years’ experience in selling plants and vegetables and we source our products only from respected producers, many of them local; we employ expert teams who choose the best products and keep them in tip-top condition; and we offer customers qualified advice about what to buy and how to grow it successfully. So, if you are looking for vegetable plants for sale, come give us a visit or check out our online store.
Vegetable Plants
We have a fabulous collection of Vegetable Plants for sale during spring. These are supplied to us by Robinson, a family-owned, specialist grower based in Lancashire. Included in our expansive spring range are many of the essential ingredients needed for healthy and nutritious meals. During the spring we have tomatoes of many varieties, cucumbers, lettuce, cabbages, chilies, chard, peppers, beans, radish, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, mangetout, sweet potatoes and many more. If you are looking for a specific vegetable or variety during springtime, please call ahead to check availability.
Herbs look and smell great in the garden and are full of flavour when freshly cut and added to your meals. From April to June, we have a cornucopia of herbs for sale in the Beetham Nurseries Garden Centre, including everything from Basil, Parsley and Thyme to Rosemary, Chervil and Borage. To check the availability of any particular type of herb, please call us in advance.
Seed Potatoes
There’s nothing nicer than a home-grown spud, and from January to Easter, while stocks last, we have one of the largest ranges of seed potatoes for sale anywhere! Everyone has their favourite variety, and at Beetham Nurseries we have more than eighty varieties of First Earlies, Second Earlies and Maincrop potatoes available to buy. We sell Seed Potatoes by weight, so you can mix and match different varieties and choose the exact number of potatoes you want, or, alternatively, some are available in pre-packs.
hallots & Onions
Core ingredients of many recipes and easy to grow, Shallots and Onions have become highly popular vegetables for planting in the garden. Although they can be sown as seeds, there’s a greater chance of success if they are grown from immature bulbs, known as ‘sets.’ When planted as sets, Shallots and Onions are less likely to be attacked by pests and disease, are more resistant to cold temperatures and mature quicker. You’ll find both seeds and sets available at Beetham Nurseries.
Growing Garlic
Garlic is another much sought-after and easy-to-grow garden vegetable that can be planted from autumn until the end of spring. A key ingredient in many culinary dishes and said to have a number of health benefits, Beetham Nurseries often has several types of growing Garlic for sale, including both hardneck and softneck varieties. Hardneck Garlic can have unique qualities, depending upon variety, and also grows a flower stem that can be used in cooking. Softneck Garlic lacks this stem, but its bulbs do store for much longer than the hardnecks.
If you are looking for a specific type of growing vegetable or herb or would like to check the availability of the range of vegetable plants for sale, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Our Guides to Growing Vegetables
Find out more below about growing your own vegetables, including hints and tips from our award-winning experts!