As the golden days of August unfold, there’s a gentle shift in the rhythm of the garden. The high heat of July mellows into the softer warmth of late summer. We are now in the season of abundance, where the hard work of earlier months comes to fruition, and the garden offers up its richest rewards.
But August is also a month for planning and reflection—a chance to consider what has thrived, what could be improved, and to start preparing the ground for the seasons to come.
Join us as we bask in the fullness of late summer.
Monthly Quiz
First things first, it's time for a quiz! Do you know the answers to the following questions?
- Caradonna, Hot Lips, and Amistad are all varieties of which plant?
- What conditions do Aruncus Ligularia and Astilbe prefer?
- HYAOSCI is an anagram of which sun-loving evergreen scented shrub?
What's Looking Great This Month?
The Growing Nursery has many plants lighting up the landscape with bursts of late summer colour.
One that stands out to us is the Dwarf Buddleja. Good for pollinators, these plants smell lovely. Dwarf plants reach 80cm to 1 metre high so they can create a real impact. With Little Ruby, Little Pink, Little Lila, and more varieties – there’s a choice for every colour scheme.
Anenomes and Heleniums are also creating a show and can be relied on to bring colour perennially in late summer—even through to autumn.
This Month's Offers
Whilst stocks last, all Gaura are now £6.99 and Astilbe are now just £7.99.
Keep an eye out for a special bank holiday offer coming up!
Top Tips for Beginners
In the vegetable patch, it's harvest time! Harvest your herbs, then either hang them upside down to dry or freeze them in oil using ice cube trays for future use. Pick courgettes frequently to encourage a more abundant crop.
August is a time of transition, where the vibrant blooms of summer reach their peak before slowly giving way to the first hints of autumn. Plant autumn crocus now and you will enjoy flowers well into the next season.
Top Tips for All Gardeners
There’s both a sense of completion and anticipation in the air. Whilst we savour the present, let’s quietly prepare for the future seasons.
Hedges will need to be trimmed, but before you do, be sure to check for nesting birds. Turn and aerate compost heaps and add more water in dry weather spells.
Summer prune wisteria, cutting back whippy growth to 6 buds of the main stem.
Our Pick of the Month
The bright and silvery leaves of Senecio ‘Angel Wings’ stands out to us this month. The velvety feel of its large leaves call out to be touched and they create a great contrast to blue in the garden. Senecio is perfect for summer planting as it’s drought-resistant, and likes a sunny spot.
Quiz Answers
- Salvia
- Wet
- Choisya
Well done if you got three points!
Thanks for reading. We hope to see you at The Growing Nursery soon.