Late Night Shopping at Beetham Nurseries

Late Night Shopping at Beetham Nurseries

Join us this December for two very special evenings of Late Night Shopping here at Beetham Nurseries! On Thursday 1st December and Thursday 8th December, we will be holding our doors open until the later time of 7.30pm to allow you to browse, shop and eat into the evening. 

Thursday 1st December 5-7.30pm

Thursday 8th December 5-7.30pm

Thursday 1st December is the very first day of our Christmas Market Weekend and so not only will you have the delights of our Gift Shop, Christmas Shop, Christmas Trees and Garden Cafe, you will also be able to shop many fantastic businesses within our Chalet Shopping Village! For more information about our very first Christmas Market Weekend from 1st - 4th December, click here. 

As always across both Late Night Shopping evenings, The Garden Cafe will be open until 7pm, so why not join us for an evening meal whilst enjoying some festive shopping? Get together with friends and loved ones to enjoy our evening menu. 

Within the shop itself there will be exclusive offers to be had to help you tick off more of your Christmas shopping, and all Garden Club members will, as always, receive 10% off Christmas Trees! Not a member? Join for free at the till! 

If you have any questions or queries about Late Night Shopping at Beetham Nurseries, don't hesitate to contact us here.

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